Friday 20 January 2012

Project Description

The purpose of this project is to control the speed of DC motor by using fuzzy logic controller with MATLAB applications. The scopes includes the simulation and modeling of DC motor, implementation of fuzzy logic controller to DC motor using MATLAB applications. This research was about to introduce the new ability of estimating speed and control the DC motor. By using the controller, the speed can be tuned until it get similar to the desired output that user need. There are some problem occur while controlling the DC motor. The problems occur such as losses and efficiency of the motor. To encounter the problem, the controller is needed and for this project Fuzzy Logic Controller will be used. FLC is chosen as a controller for this project because it consist several advantages compared to the other classical controller. The structure of FLC consists of the following 3 major components which the first one is fuzzifier that used for measurement of the input. The second one is rule base which provides the system with decision making. The third is defuzzifier which combines the actions that have been decided. The objectives of this project are to design a DC motor with Fuzzy Logic Controller using MATLAB applications and to control the speed of DC motor. 

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